10 Sprüche zum Geburtstag
Oh Karle, don't mess around sadly - here's a saying for your birthday - it's fun, getting older is part of it and between us, 24 is really not that bad age. Let it be said to you. Today is...
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10 Sprüche für deine Party
Oh friends - how have we waited the last few months for sayings for your party 🎈, how have we been excited to finally wake up after such a long festival night, how have we counted the days until we...
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10 Sprüche für Hundefreunde
Admittedly, there is a lot of whining nowadays, but in the rarest cases about sayings for dog lovers. What is there to complain about? One answer to this question surprised us: lack of humor! I'm sorry, what? If you call...
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If you order a set of magnetic letters from us, then all 200 letters, numbers and special characters are put in a wonderfully robust and resealable bag. Zack and Zu After we have pressed all the parts out of the...
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