Each magnetic letter is exactly 3.1 cm high and 5.8 mm thick and completely sans serif. You ask yourself is it still possible? But don't worry, we don't believe in coincidences, we trust in the results of applied mathematics and the guidelines of modern aesthetics. It's not for nothing that every bag of our letter sets says MODERN magnetic letters . Many can be old-fashioned and boring, but we want to make the best letters the world has ever seen. What is the best way to do this? What is modern What is beautiful? That’s exactly the kind of question we’re grappling with for you.
Let's start at the beginning, with the writing itself. As you probably remember from your last homework, there are a lot of bizarre writings. Many are IN today and OUT tomorrow - but how do you design a timeless, modern typeface? We will not solve this riddle here, because that would go beyond the scope and ultimately clarify the last great mystery of mankind. Therefore so much should be said here: we try everything. We are not prejudiced. We take the scriptures as they are and see what happens. We vary in shape and size, we file and sand and cut around every letter until we have a harmonious overall picture. Only then are we satisfied. Sometimes it takes years.
How did we get the letters 3.1cm high? Well, that was pure coincidence.
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