Gift for school enrollment

Geschenk zur Einschulung

Oh no, your little granddaughter is going to school by sea? Is Tim so big again? How quickly the time flies, one did not pay attention and they no longer crawl but proudly walk their way to the elementary school. Clearly, that should be celebrated and a matching gift! But they already have everything !!

The right gift for school enrollment

Chocolate makes you happy, but only for a short time, so the other grandma gives toys and you definitely want to stand out from the rest! Sure, educationally valuable things are incredibly popular and among us, we are really into it - after all, the little ones should turn into something - it would be better if we start in elementary school! Let's go!

Well, mom buys pens, rulers and calculators, books are available from teachers - but colorful magnetic letters for school enrollment - they're only available from you! The eyes light up - and the first words are proudly spelled and what has just been learned is implemented on the magnetic board at home. The perfect gift for school enrollment!

Letters & numbers for school enrollment

As a gift for school enrollment, the magnetic letters are particularly suitable because they remain relevant for a long time after the initial euphoria. Once you have chosen the right favorite color, the things can quickly be used as an element to express emotions on the room door or to decorate the entire children's room.

And if there is still a sibling, then a few years later a second bag magnetic letters in another favorite color will look great. The mixture of the two creates a new whirlwind in the Belle Etage. You can't get out of there now. ; )

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